Our Vision
Our vision is one of a Michigan wherein taxes are low,
government is accountable, regulations are reasonable,
and business is encouraged.
Who We Are
The Council for Economic Growth is a leading free enterprise advocacy group in Michigan. Our diverse and bipartisan membership consists of some of the region’s most prominent and successful business owners, professionals, and elected leaders who are connected by their shared motivation to see free enterprise thrive and Michigan prosper.
What We Do
We gather regularly to educate ourselves with events featuring keynote speakers, private receptions, and high-level networking. Our member services are geared towards fostering a more organized, informed, and politically-aware business and civic community.
Why It Matters
Whether in the classroom or newsroom lies a constant drumbeat that Free Enterprise is bad for America. For some, the negative news might be working:
51% of Generation Z has a positive view of Socialism (Gallup 2021)
54% of Generation Z has a negative view of Capitalism (Axios 2021)
Yet, the true American dream through the wonder of the Free Enterprise system still lives.
53% of Generation Z want to be an Entrepreneur within 10 years (Fast Company 2021)
78% of Generation Z consider entrepreneurs successful (Fast Company, 2021)
Together, we celebrate that dream that individuals can start businesses, take calculated risks, and succeed - all the while creating jobs and improving their community. Join us as we tell this optimistic and forward-looking story.